Thursday, October 30, 2008

Tenant sign going in...

This is what the monument at The Veranda looked like today. Trying to fit the big tenant box in there on both sides. Not necessarily as easy as it looks. Reverse channel letters are going on the faces tomorrow. Can't WAIT to see those at night...stay tuned for more photos.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Copper Creek entrance installed

Here's another cool project! The letters have been installed on the monument at the entrance wall to the Copper Creek community in Forsyth County. The monument will be back-filled and planted with shrubs and trees (Japanese maples!) within the next couple of weeks.

Fence me in....

The sun was in our eyes but that was OK on this cold and windy morning! The final part of the fence is being installed and painted at The Veranda. Trees are being planted and benches are being put into place. We still can't wait for tomorrow...The official signage is being installed on the tower!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Here's another view of The Veranda at night. The cupola is now lit. Trees and shrubs have been delivered and are being planted today. We hear reports that it looks GREAT out there with the trees. Still on schedule to install the signage at the entrance tower on Thursday. You can bet we’ll have some photos of that!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Pretty exciting stuff today! The letters for The Veranda are almost done! We visited the shop today where they are being made. The top photo is, of course, just the aluminum cut-outs. The second photo is of the returns. This is a pretty labor-intensive process. They bend each of these returns by hand and then they have to weld them on to the front of the letter. Each letter takes about 2 hours to complete. The bottom photo is a finished letter (sans paint). All of this will be completed and installed by next Thursday.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Veranda at night...

OK -- actually, this is The Veranda in the early morning -- thanks to James. Pretty cool. The cupola will be lit, too. We'll try to post another one once all the lights are installed.

Monday, October 20, 2008

We’re inSPIREd!

Get it?? This photo just in....The spire is done at The Veranda! The decorative brick planter walls are now finished. We're almost ready for plantings! The sign company is busy getting the signage done for the tower...we'll have a photo of that within the next day or two. Stay tuned...

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Brookhaven at Johns Creek Amenities Completed

Alex took these photos this past week at the Brookhaven project. The potting shed (top photo) is installed and will be painted. The garden beds are ready and waiting for some new plants and TLC.

The second photo is the bocce ball court and the croquet court. Since the sod was recently installed, it will be a few weeks until it’s in playing condition.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Another beautiful day... The Veranda. Windows are going in...can't ask for a better day to be building!

RDG now designing internationally

Caleb was asked by Marla Day-Fitzwater, Executive Director of American-Caribbean Experience (check out, if Rhodes Design Group could help out their organization. They needed some landplanning expertise for a 10-acre site in Jamaica that would be used as a safehouse for abused children. It would be a sustainable site with a children's cottage, a school, gynasium, sports fields....a place for their cattle and goats and, of course, a vegetable garden. As you can see by the images to the left (completed by our landscape architect Alex Brunson), Marla was taking the plans back to Jamaica to present to her Board of Directors....we are hoping for good response!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Aggregate on display...

Thanks to our "reporter in the field" Alex (aka Landscape Architect) who took this photo this morning. Hopefully you can see how nice the aggregate sidewalk looks....all the pieces are coming together....stucco, brick, stone, aggregate sidewalk. 

We are going to make a visit to the sign fabricator this week or next and try to get some photos of the letters for the monument in progress.

All very exciting stuff!!! Stay tuned...

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Veranda View of the Week

Lots of busy workers this week! The clock is now installed, the planter walls are going up and a window (or two) have been installed. I've asked our "reporters in the field" to please send a photo of the aggregate sidewalk...we hear it really looks great! We should have a photo of that up soon.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Stonework time!

The final part of the building faces has been started...the stonework started going up over the weekend. It looks beautiful! It will really add a "finishing touch" to the overall look of the building. The stucco work is also continuing, as are the aggregate sidewalks.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Veranda Views

There’s been a lot of action at The Veranda this week. We’re pouring the front sidewalks (exposed aggregate) and it looks fantastic! Plaza planters are being built ad landscape lighting is being installed. The stucco finish is in progress. The stone will be one of the last main elements to be installed on the facade. The main sign monument is being fabricated. We are very pleased...