Monday, September 22, 2008

Restaurant Renovations

Here’s a new job we’re working on. We are completely tranforming this Mexican restaurant to become The Diner at NorthPoint. It will be a complete interior and exterior renovation. We are even moving the entrance from one side of the building to the other. Rebecca has been working closely with the owners to put a more contemporary look in the interior. Of course, we'll put up more photos as the job progresses.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Happy Birthday to Pam!

Our office manager EXTRAORDINAIRE, Ms. Pam, has a birthday tomorrow! We are sending her birthday wishes today because, as is her birthday custom, she plays 54 HOLES of golf tomorrow. Needless to say, she is taking a well-deserved day off. Her tee time is 7:35 am. Now THAT'S dedication! Happy birthday Pam!

By the way, if you look closely to the left of Pam's shoulder, we had an office coloring contest. We colored the "Platinum Advisor" in the office (aka James). If you'd like one of those e-mailed to you, send a note to us and we'll make sure you get one! Color it and send it back to us!

Bricks and stucco

Is this cool or what? The Veranda is really looking beautiful. The stucco and bricks are up...stone work will be next. Several spaces are in the process of being built-out. It won't be long now!

Monday, September 8, 2008

They're signing leases!

Here’s an updated photo from The Veranda. All the brick is up and the stone is being put into place within the next week. Interior build-outs are starting and leases are being signed...lots of interest has been generated! That's a good sign...