Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Outdoor Amenities Design

Here's a project we've been working on for the past month. Jim Chapman Communities asked us to design their outdoor amenities. We are currently overseeing the construction of a bocce ball court, croquet court (and later a putting green) as well as a community garden. Alex designed a potting shed and an area with raised garden beds for residents to plant warm and cool season vegetables. There's also going to be a small orchard near the gardens. Our portion of this project should be done within the next two months. They also asked us to come up with a site plan...we've come up with a more sophisticated site plan design that we can offer our clients. This site plan will have a final size of 44.5" square and will be in their sales center plat table. If you are interested in seeing a more detailed version of the site plan, e-mail Marybeth and she can send you a more readable version. We'll post more photos when we are done with the amenities.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

We've made the BIG time!

The Veranda made news in the AJC business section this Sunday. James got a call from AJC reporter Mike Pearson who had just happened to drive by the site and saw our giant “business card” in front. The reporter was intrigued by some of the different and interesting architectural elements. We gathered a package together to send him and the result was a very nice write-up!